3-6-1 A Happy Shoe Store I

Long ago, there was a very happy shoe store in a small town. P

The owner of the shoe store was known as Mr. Haha because he was always laughing. P

Mr. Haha's shoe store rarely had any customers, P

because the other shoe stores had huge signs and glamorous decorations. P

The other shoe store owners told Mr. Haha that he needed to improve the look of his store, P

but Mr. Haha believed in quality before quantity. P

They all argued that Mr. Haha's shoes were too sturdy and lasted too long without replacing, P

which is why his customers rarely needed to come back. P

The owners of the other shoe stores said, P

"You need to find a way to make your shoes wear out faster, P

so that your customers have to come back sooner." P

However, Mr. Haha did not listen to their advice. P

Then one day, an old man wearing shabby clothes entered his store. P

3-6-2 A Happy Shoe Store II

The old man looked around the store, and picked up a pair of shoes and asked, P

"Looks like a good pair for my grandson. How much are they?" P

Mr. Haha said, "Oh, that's a pair of excellent shoes, sir. P

I'll give them to you for one gold coin." P

"Well, that's very expensive, and though they look like very sturdy shoes, P

I am not sure if these will fit my grandson's feet. P

Would it be all right with you if I take these shoes home with me and let my grandson try them on? P

If they fit him, I'll come back and pay you." P

Mr. Haha hesitated, but then agreed to the grandfather's terms. P

3-6-3 A Happy Shoe Store III

After the old man had left the store, Mr. Haha found a box sitting on a chair. P

"This must belong to the grandfather. I should keep it in a safe place." P

He waited until very late at night, but the grandfather never returned for his box. P

Days passed, then months, and yet the grandfather never came back for his box or to pay for the shoes he had taken. P

One day, Mr. Haha became curious about the box the grandfather had left behind. P

When he opened the box, he was greatly surprised. P

Inside the box, there was a gold chest that held all kinds of treasures. P

"Now I don't have to work and I can live comfortably for the rest of my life." P

3-6-4 A Happy Shoe Store IV

That night, Mr. Haha could not fall asleep. P

Whenever he closed his eyes, the grandfather would appear and yell at him, P

"Give me back my gold chest! The gold chest! You have taken my treasures, haven't you?" P

These nightmares kept him awake all night. P

The next day he put a note on the door of his store. P

"I apologize for not being here today. I have put price tags on all of the shoes. P

Please leave your money where the shoes were displayed and feel free to take your shoes. P

Thank you, Mr. Haha. P

3-6-6 I Have a Dream

What are you daydreaming about? P

I was thinking what I would get for my birthday present. P

Has she passed the Diplomatic Service Examination? P

Yes, she has. She is a diplomat, now. P

Have you ever imagined yourself being a pilot? P

No, I thought I was going to be a teacher. P

Good job. You've achieved our company's aim. P

Thank you, I couldn't have done this without everyone's help. P

What are the girls doing on the street? P

They are running a marathon. P

What is the employee asking for? P

He is asking for a raise. P

Why is the man so nervous? P

He is going out on a date. P

3-6-7 Do You Need Some Help?

Hello ma'am, do you need some help with your luggage? P

Oh, yes, please. P

Are these all your bags? P

Yes, all four of them. P

What is your room number? P

My room number is 2501. I will carry my laptop myself. P

Do you need help with anything else? P

How do I use this card key? P

Place the card into the slot until the light turns green. Then turn the handle. P

Thank you. P

3-6-8 I've Got Another Dream

When I was young, I wanted to be a diplomat. P

Has your dream changed? P

No, I still want to be a diplomat, but I've got another dream. P

What do you want to be? P

I want to be a pilot, too. P

Pilot? Wow, diplomat and pilot are two very different things! P

I know, but it's just my dream. P

You can't just dream about it! You must try your best to achieve it. P

What is the man drawing? P

He is drawing a picture of the forest. P

What does he do by himself? P

He watches movies by himself. P

Where are the parents eating? P

They are eating at a fast food restaurant. P

3-6-9 This Is Room Service

Hello, this is room service. May I help you? P

I would like to order some food. P

What would you like? P

Can I order the steak with a small salad? P

How would you like your steak cooked? P

I would like it medium-rare. P

Would you like something to drink? P

Yes, I would like a beer, please. P

Any dessert tonight? P

No, thank you. P

Someone will bring the food to your room shortly. P

Thank you. P

3-6-11 A Happy Shoe Store V

And Mr. Haha went out to search for the grandfather tirelessly, day and night. P

When people heard that Mr. Haha had left his store unlocked and untended, P

they all came to see if the stories were true. P

So even though there was no owner present, the store was always full of customers. P

Mr. Haha could never find the grandfather, and finally came back to his store to find an unfamiliar envelope inside. P

"I apologize for being so late with my payment. Here's a gold coin for the shoes. P

They fit my grandson's feet perfectly. And the gold chest is a gift from me to you." P

The next day, a strange rumor spread around the village about the shoe store. P

"Did you see the angel that visited Mr. Haha's store?" P

3-6-12 Yard Work

Yard work is an activity to do at home. P

Many fathers and boys do yard work. P

Girls and mothers can do yard work, too. P

Yard work is cleaning the outside yard of the house. P

Cutting the grass, pulling the weeds, and picking up trash are all types of yard work. P

Some people like to plant flowers and plants. P

Planting flowers, plants, bushes and trees are also yard work. P

Yard work is good exercise. P

People must use the body to do yard work. P

Bad weather can make yard work hard to do. P

When it is wet outside, it is hard to take care of plants. P

It is better to do yard work when it is sunny outside and not wet. P

3-6-13 Cooking

Cooking is an activity to do at home. P

Many people cook food in the kitchen of their house. P

People cook food to eat for dinner, lunch or breakfast. P

Some people cook food as a fun activity. P

Some people like to cook dessert. P

This is called baking. P

Cakes, cupcakes, pies and tarts are all types of desserts. P

Pancakes, waffles, bacon, and hash browns are all types of breakfast food people cook. P

Some people have cooking parties at their houses. P

This is an activity where people get together to cook food for fun. P

Cooking is a way to bring people together and have fun cooking and eating together. P

It is not always a chore. P

3-6-14 Getting Ready For Bed

Everyone has a special routine when getting ready for bed. P

Some people take showers before they go to sleep. P

This is very important because you want to keep your bed clean. P

It is important to brush your teeth before going to sleep. P

When people brush their teeth, it is good to floss and use mouthwash. P

Doing this helps keep teeth clean. P

Some people wash their face with soap that keeps skin smooth. P

People also put on special clothes when they sleep. P

These clothes are called pajamas. P

Parents give children a bedtime. P

This is a time each night when children must go to sleep. P

Some children may have different bed times than their friends. P

It is up to parents to pick their child's bedtime. P

Bedtimes help children to know when to go to sleep. P

3-6-16 About Myself

Smelling this flower relieves my headache. P

I thought you were allergic to those flowers. P

Having a meal on a picnic table is what I've always been dreaming about! P

I'm happy that your dream has come true, son! P

What do you do when you feel sleepy? P

I wash my face with cold water. P

I am growing lettuce at the back yard of my house. P

It looks very fresh! You are a hard-working person. P

Who is the president talking to? P

He is talking to the reporters. P

What is the man drawing? P

He is drawing a picture of the ducks. P

What are the guys doing? P

They are practicing tap dancing. P

3-6-17 How Can I Help You?

Is room service available? P

Yes, how can I help you? P

I would like a bottle of scotch please. P

Would you like some ice? P

Yes, please. P

Any chips or nuts? P

Yes, do you have almonds? P

Sorry, we only have peanuts. P

That's fine. My room number is 501. P

I will bring them right away. P

3-6-18 Small Party

Hi, Jessie! We're here! P

Hi, Isabelle. Hi, Tony. I'm so glad you could make it. Come on in. P

Here, we brought a little something, coffee flavored ice cream. P

Oh, you shouldn't have, but thank you. The hamburgers are just about done. P

I can smell the barbecue. Smells fantastic. Can I help with anything? P

Everything's set, I'll be right out after I finish washing the lettuce. P

No, I insist. I will do that, you should go check on the burgers. P

Okay, fine. Thanks. But come out quickly, they're almost ready! P

What is the girl doing? P

She is walking her dog. P

Where is the guy moving? P

He is moving out of the city. P

What is the guy doing? P

He is weighing himself on a scale. P

3-6-19 Laundry Service

Do you have laundry service in the hotel? P

Yes, we do. P

Do you have dry cleaning service? P

Yes, what would you like to have cleaned? P

I have two shirts and one pair of jeans. P

What time do you need them finished? P

Please bring them by 7pm. P

That should be no problem. P

Where do I leave the clothes? P

Place the clothes in the laundry bag outside your door. P

Thank you. P

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