3-2-1 Two Clocks I

"Ding-dong, Ding-dong." P

"Cuckoo, Cuckoo." P

Every time it turned twelve o'clock, both the wall clock and the cuckoo clock sounded their chimes. P

Each clock tried to be louder than the other, and each would chime as loud as it could. P

One day, the wall clock was much louder than the cuckoo clock, and the cuckoo clock could hardly be heard. P

The cuckoo clock felt disappointed and asked, P

"Wall Clock, why must you make such a loud noise?" P

The wall clock responded, "Why do you pretend to be a cuckoo bird by making its sound?" P

This retort just made the cuckoo clock angry. P

3-2-2 Two Clocks II

"Ding-dong, Ding-dong." P

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!" P

It was four o'clock. P

Vanessa walked into the living room. P

"I need to hurry if I want to meet Robert." P

Then Vanessa said to both the cuckoo clock and the wall clock, P

"Thanks for letting me know what time it is." P

The cuckoo clock was confused and asked, P

"You're thankful because we let you know what time it is?" The wall clock was amused and replied, P

"That's right, Vanessa likes it when we let her know exactly what time it is!" P

The cuckoo clock and the wall clock realized that it was more important to let people know exactly what time it was than to boast about their sounds. P

And they regretted having argued with each other. P

3-2-3 Two Clocks III

"Wall Clock, I'm sorry for having said that your sound was too loud." P

And the wall clock said, P

"No, no! I'm sorry that I was angry with you. P

I never realized that it was more important to let people know exactly what time it is, P

than to be heard above the rest." P

And as it turned 5 o'clock, "Ding-dong, Ding-dong," "Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!" P

The wall clock and the cuckoo clock chimed the time happily together. P

3-2-4 Heart

Your heart is a muscle, and a very powerful muscle. P

It pumps blood through the body. P

Without the heart the body cannot live. P

It sits underneath the ribs and slightly to the left side of the body. P

The heart has two halves. P

Arteries move blood away from the heart and are red because of the oxygen in the blood. P

Veins bring blood back to the heart and are blue because there is no oxygen in the blood. P

Your heart beat is blood being pumped throughout your body. P

3-2-6 Going Out

Have you ever dined at this restaurant? P

Yes, I sat at that table by the window. P

Did you see the hostess when we walked in? P

Yeah, I saw her. She's very pretty. P

Are you enjoying the dinner party so far? P

Definitely! There's good food, good drinks, and good company! P

I'd prefer a booth, if there's one available. P

Sure, there's an empty booth right over there. P

What is the man doing? P

He is paying his bills. P

What are the business men doing? P

They are attending a meeting. P

What is the boy doing? P

He is browsing the internet. P

3-2-7 Paying For a Flight

I would like to pay for a flight. P

Do you have a reserved flight? P

Yes, I have a direct flight from Seoul to San Francisco. P

What is your name? P

My name is Esther Johnson. P

You have a balance of $500 U.S. dollars due. P

May I pay by credit card? P

Yes, we will charge the $500 to your credit card. P

How will I receive my ticket? P

You can pick up your ticket at the airport. P

3-2-8 Reservation

Hello, The Mode. How may I help you? P

Hi, I'd like to make a reservation for this Saturday night. P

Sure, for what time, and how many are you expecting? P

At 7:30 pm, for a party of five, please. P

Okay. May I have your name? P

Put it under "McGregor". P

Okay, to confirm, that's five for Saturday night, under the name "McGregor". P

That's right, at 7:30pm. Thank you very much. P

What is the college lady doing? P

She is on the phone and doing homework. P

What is he doing? P

He is ironing his clothes and on the phone. P

What is she doing? P

She is washing the window and on the phone. P

3-2-9 Picking Up a Ticket

I have a ticket to pick up. P

What is your name? P

My name is Esther Johnson. P

Is your flight traveling to San Francisco? P

Yes. P

May I recommend an upgrade to first class? P

How much will that cost me? P

It will be an additional charge $300. P

No, thank you. P

Do you have any baggage to check-in? P

Yes, I have two bags to check-in. P

Here is your ticket. Have a safe flight. P

Thank you very much. P

3-2-11 Stomach

The stomach is a large bag that holds all of the food a person eats. P

It's located on the left side of the body. P

When it's empty it is about the size of a fist, but after a meal it can stretch to a size of a melon. P

The stomach contains an acid called gastric juice. P

This acid helps dissolve the food that a person eats. P

The stomach also has a slimy mucus coating on the inside of it. P

It protects the stomach from the gastric juice. P

Sometimes people get ulcers in the stomach. P

An ulcer happens when people get stressed and the acid burns a hole in our stomach. P

The food takes a few hours to mix with the acid in the stomach. P

After it's been mixed with the acid, it then becomes ready to move on to the intestines. P

3-2-12 The Brain

The brain controls the entire body. P

It acts as the main center of the nervous system that sends instructions to the body. P

The cerebrum is the biggest part of the brain, and it's soft. P

The cerebellum is the second-biggest part of brain and helps keep the balance and controls body movements. P

The brain sits in a fluid that protects the brain. P

The brain sends messages to the body with the help of neurons. P

When a person learns new things, it sets off a new pattern of signals in the brain. P

The more someone learns the stronger the connections get. P

The brain has two kinds of memory. P

Short-term memory that helps someone remember what's happening right now. P

And long-term memory stores important facts and knowledge. P

Scientists think the left side of our brain is used for language and math problems, while the right side deals more with music and pictures. P

3-2-13 Joints

A joint is a location where two bones come together. P

Joints are structured to allow movement. P

We have joints in our legs and arms. P

We have joints in our feet and hands. P

People who have a disease called arthritis have pain in their joints. P

Sometimes their joints are swollen. P

Exercise is a very healthy thing to do, but exercise can be difficult when you have joint pain. P

Some people take medicine for the joints. P

Many people exercise to stay in shape and to keep their joints healthy. P

Maintaining a healthy weight can help you avoid putting extra strain on your joints. P

3-2-14 Leonardo Da Vinci

One of the most famous artists from history is Leonardo Da Vinci. P

He wanted to learn everything he could about the world. P

He lived in Italy about 500 years ago. P

He lived during the famous period of art called the Renaissance. P

The Renaissance was a time of new ideas and new inventions. P

Leonardo Da Vinci made drawings of the human body so that the doctors of the time could use them in their medical books. P

Leonardo Da Vinci is famous for his paintings. P

One of his famous paintings is called the Last Supper. P

It's a picture of Jesus eating with his disciples. P

Another famous painting is the Mona Lisa. P

The painting is famous for Mona Lisa's mysterious smile. P

3-2-16 Shows

Catch the ball if you can. P

It's a piece of cake. P

People on the show seem to live a glamorous life. P

Yeah, they do, but you never know what's behind those curtains. P

There is a traditional Korean performance every Saturday at the Korean Folk Village. P

Really? Is it free? P

Where did you learn to play the guitar? P

Your grandfather taught me. He had a great musical talent. P

What is the family doing? P

The family is having dinner, but the son is on the phone. P

What is the father doing? P

He is giving his kids a bath, but he is on the phone. P

What is the lady complaining about? P

She is complaining about her front steps. P

3-2-17 Changing a Flight

I would like to change my flight. P

What time is your current flight? P

My flight is scheduled to depart at 6pm. P

What is your destination? P

My flight is headed to Los Angeles, and I would like to switch to an earlier departure P

We have flights available at 3pm, 4pm and 5pm. P

Is there room in the 3pm flight? P

Yes there is room, but there will be an extra charge? P

How much will it cost? P

It will be an extra $30. P

I will take it. P

3-2-18 Musical

Did you catch Les Miserable last time it was in town? P

No, but I've already seen it a long time ago. P

Did you like it? I thought it was amazing. P

I don't remember much, I was about ten. What was most impressive about it? P

The cast was great. The lead, Jean Valjean gave an excellent performance. P

It sounds like you really enjoyed it. P

I did. Have you seen many musicals? P

Not as many as I'd like. I want to watch Wicked before it leaves. P

What does the boy need in order to finish his bookshelf? P

He needs a screw driver. P

What does the lady need to fix her satellite? P

She needs a ladder. P

Why is everyone gathered together? P

They are celebrating a birthday. P

3-2-19 Requesting an Upgrade

I would like to upgrade my seat. P

Are you traveling economy? P

Yes, my seat is in economy. P

Would you like to upgrade to business or first class? P

What is the charge for business class? P

Business is an extra $500. P

What is the charge for first class? P

First class is an extra $1,000. P

Is there an aisle or window seat available in business class? P

Yes, all business class seats are aisle or window seats. P

I would like to upgrade my seat to a business window seat, please. P

Your upgrade is confirmed. P

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