3-11-1 Old Green House I

In my neighborhood, our mailman is named Andrew, and I like him a lot. P

Everyone in the neighborhood likes him too, because he is always so nice to everyone. P

He is always happy and always delivers the mail with a big smile. P

One day, when Andrew had parked his motorcycle, he saw me staring at it and asked, P

"Do you want to sit on it?" P

Excitedly, I quickly responded, "Yes, please!" P

He lifted me up high and sat me down on the motorcycle. P

I asked him if we could go for a ride, but he said, "Umm, not right now. Maybe next time." P

3-11-2 Old Green House II

Impatiently, I asked, "When?" P

And he responded, "When a certain letter is delivered to the old lady at the old green house." P

"Really? Do you promise?" P

We hooked pinkies together and made a pinky promise. P

I hoped that the letter would come quickly so that I could finally ride on Andrew's motorcycle. P

A few days later, when I was playing soccer with my friends on the street, I spotted Andrew. P

But Andrew didn't seem to be his usual happy self. P

"Andrew, are you sick?" P

"No, I'm not. I'm just sorry for the old lady in the green house. P

"Did you give a letter to the old lady today?" P

"Umm, not yet…" P

3-11-3 Old Green House III

"From who is she expecting this letter?" P

"She is expecting a letter from her youngest son who is serving in the army." P

And with a sad face, Andrew went back to work. P

Andrew and I waited and waited for the old lady's letter, but it would not come. P

"How come the old lady's son hasn't sent a letter yet? P

It's his fault that I can't get a ride on your motorcycle!" P

Another week passed. P

As usual, Andrew delivered the mail, calling out with his happy voice. P

But whenever I talked about the old lady, Andrew would become depressed. P

"Hey, Andrew. Did you give the old lady her letter yet? P

"No, not yet. She was waiting for me at her front gate today, too." P

3-11-4 Old Green House IV

And I realized that I really didn't want to ride Andrew's motorcycle as much as I wanted the old lady to finally get a letter from her son. P

Mother's Day was coming up, so I wrote a letter to my own mother and put it in the mailbox. P

A few days later, on the way home from school, I saw a new mailman delivering the mail. P

"Excuse me, sir. Where is Andrew today?" P

"Oh, he went to his hometown to visit his mother, but he should be back tomorrow." P

3-11-6 Having a Look

Can you show me the X-ray of my teeth? P

Sure. Look, your teeth are very healthy! P

Did you have a look at the specials on the menu outside? P

Yes, I did. I'll have a chicken salad sandwich, please. P

Have you ever seen a mother duck with her babies? P

Yes, it's nice to watch the babies follow their mother. P

Can you see that lady lead the elephant over there? P

Maybe the elephant doesn't know its way home! P

How are the two workers going to work? P

They are going to work taking the subway. P

What did the people by the bus stop forget to take? P

They forgot to bring their umbrellas. P

What happened on the street? P

The two men got into a car accident. P

3-11-7 Prix Fixe Menu

What is your prix fixe menu? P

It is a set five course meal of the chef's favorite dishes. P

What is the chef serving today? P

First, you start off with a cheese platter and a spinach salad. Second, you will enjoy a potato soup. P

That sounds delicious. P

That is followed by thin slices of steak as your appetizer. P

That sounds delicious. P

Then comes a pesto pasta as your entree. Lastly, you will finish with ice cream for dessert. P

That sounds delicious. I will go with the prix fixe. P

How would you like your steak cooked? P

Medium rare please. P

Anything to drink? P

Iced tea please. P

I will bring the food shortly. P

3-11-8 Reserved Dinner

Hello, I'm with the McGregor party. P

Yes, I see your reservation. The table is being set now. P

The table isn't ready? How long is the wait? P

There, it's ready. Follow me, I'll show you to your seat. P

Oh, good. Lead the way! P

Here's your table. Can I start you with anything to drink? P

I'll wait for my party to arrive. But I'll have some water for now. P

Sure. Please take a look at the menu while you are waiting. P

What is the boy doing? P

He is about to sit down on his chair. P

Are the students working together or working alone? P

They are working alone. P

What is she doing? P

She is about to wash her face. P

3-11-9 Bad Food

Excuse me, could you take back this steak I ordered? P

Is there something wrong with your steak? P

Yes. The steak is overcooked. P

I am sorry. I will return it to the kitchen. P

Thank you. P

Is there anything else you need? P

Yes. I would like to get a refill on my drink. P

I will bring you another iced tea. P

Thank you. P

3-11-11 Old Green House V

The next day at school, I heard that the old lady had received a letter. P

On my way home, I kept looking for Andrew, but he wasn't working again. P

The other mailman was taking his place again, so I asked him if the old lady had received a letter. P

He responded, "Ah! The old lady in the old green house? P

Yes, she did. In fact, she received three letters." P

"Three letters?" P

"Yes. And I heard one of them even had a photo in it for her. P

She was very happy with her letters." P

Ah! Finally the old lady's youngest son had sent her a letter! P

And finally I can get a ride on Andrew's motorcycle! P

The next day Andrew came back as our mailman and I finally got to ride on his motorcycle. P

3-11-12 China

China is the second largest country in the world. P

China has a very big population. P

Shanghai is the largest city with over nine million people. P

Each family in China is only allowed to have one child. P

This is because they do not want too many people in the country. P

This is because the government doesn't want the country to become overpopulated. P

The Chinese invented four great things for the world. P

They are paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder. P

The Chinese people are very healthy and they drink a lot of tea. P

It's part of their daily routine. P

The country of China is very beautiful. P

The martial art called "kung fu" was created in China. P

3-11-13 USA

The United States of America is a very rich country. P

The United States is divided into 50 states and the capital is in Washington DC. P

Many people moved to the United States because they wanted religious freedom and a chance to get a better job. P

The United States is known as a land of opportunity. P

The United States created the Internet and sent many people to outer space. P

Americans love to watch and play sports. P

The most popular sports are basketball, football, and baseball. P

They have some of the best players in the world. P

Barack Obama is the 44th president and the first black president. P

There are beautiful mountains, beaches and lakes in the United States. P

3-11-14 India

The country of India has almost as many people as China. P

India is known for its wonderful spices and good food. P

Many of the dishes are made with curry. P

Many Indian foods are really spicy and flavorful. P

India is the second biggest country in the world. P

Most of the country is really poor but there are some rich families. P

The Indians make many movies known as Bollywood movies. P

Many families don't have clean water or a proper toilet. P

Because of the bad weather, the country doesn't produce very many crops. P

Some Indians are vegetarians and only eat vegetables. P

India's national sport is field hockey. P

Indians make beautiful fabrics and jewelry. P

3-11-16 Opinions For Food

The steak tastes different when it's grilled, doesn't it? P

Yes, the grilling gives the steak more flavor. P

Is there something that I can help you with? P

Yes, I asked for my steak rare. Not raw! P

What toppings do you usually put on your baked potatoes? P

Everything. Butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon, and chives! P

I love having salad in the summer. It's refreshing. P

I don't like salad very much. It's too healthy. P

Where is this man getting his pictures developed? P

He is getting the pictures developed at the photo shop. P

Are the students working together or working alone? P

They are working together. P

How does the boy look? P

He is a gentleman. He is helping the girl by carrying her books. P

3-11-17 Leftover

Are you still working on your meal? P

No. I'm finished. P

Would you like a to-go box? P

Yes. I would like a to-go box. P

Did you want extra bread, too? P

No, just the steak and pasta on my plate. P

I will put it into separate boxes. P

How long will the leftovers be good for? P

It should be eaten within the next two days. P

Can I heat it up in the microwave? P

Yes, but be sure to take it out of the box and place it onto a plate before heating. P

3-11-18 How's Your Food?

How's your food? Do you like it? P

My food is great. The steak is very tender. P

They make the best steak here. I come here very often. P

Really? This is my first. How's your steak? It looks delicious. P

It's really good, only, I was hoping it would be a little more rare. P

You normally eat your steak rare? P

Yeah, but that's okay, it still tastes good. Aren't those potatoes tasty? P

They're really good. How do you think they made them? P

Where is the boy? P

He is on the baseball field. He is about to play baseball. P

What is the lady doing? P

She is washing her clothes using the washing machine. P

What is the boy holding? P

The boy is holding a basket full of fruits to give to his friend. P

3-11-19 Request At the Restaurant

Could you please call the waiter for us? P

Yes. I will call your waiter. Is there anything I could help you with? P

Yes. Could you bring us another fork? P

Do you need just one fork? P

Yes. We just need one. P

I will bring one right away. P

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