4-7-1 A Flower in Blossom I

Everyday, the sun rises in the eastern sky and pours out all kinds of sunlight. P

Along with the very bright sunlight, P

there is also a baby sunlight that shines just a little. P

The big sunlight clears away the darkness that covers the sea. P

As the bright sunlight wakes the sea, it sparkles in beautiful colors. P

The bright sunlight clears away the darkness that covers the mountains. P

Then the sunlight moves across the mountains to the fields, P

and even dispels the darkness in the tall buildings in the city. P

The baby sunlight felt small and helpless beside the bright sunlight. P

Just then, the baby sunlight passed a rubbish heap. P

4-7-2 A Flower in Blossom II

"Baby Sunlight! Baby Sunlight!" P

A feeble voice said. P

"Who are you?" P

"I'm a cosmos seed. Could you please help me?" P

"Help you? How can I help you?" P

"You just need to hug me. P

Then I'll be able to blossom into a beautiful flower." P

The baby sunlight was hesitant at first, P

but then hugged the cosmos seed tightly. P

The rubbish heap smelled foul, but he put up with it and kept hugging the seed. P

As the season turned to fall, the cosmos seed bloomed into a gorgeous flower. P

"Thank you, baby sunlight!" said the cosmos, and smiled beautifully. P

The baby sunlight sat on its petals and smiled as well. P

4-7-3 Gorillas

Gorillas are big and hairy with dark fur. P

They have big, broad shoulders. P

Their arms are long and strong. P

Most gorillas live in Africa. P

They live in forests, mountains and rain forests. P

Gorillas do not eat animals. P

They are plant eaters. P

Gorillas live together in groups called troops. P

There is usually only one adult male. P

The adult male is the leader of the group. P

4-7-4 Rhinoceroses

Rhinoceroses are large four-legged animals. P

They have horns on top of their nose. P

Rhinoceroses have thick protective skin. P

Rhinoceroses have poor eyesight. P

They have good hearing and sense of smell. P

Rhinoceroses have three toes on each foot. P

Rhinoceroses can run quickly over short distances. P

All rhinoceroses eat plants. P

Rhinoceroses do not eat meat. P

4-7-6 Places At Home

I'm going to use the bathroom. P

Okay, I'll use it after you. P

Can you sit in the living room? P

Sure, I'll wait for you in the living room. P

The garage is so cold. P

That's okay. Only the car is here. P

Where's Julie? Is she sleeping? P

Yes, she's in her bedroom. P

What do your parents do on the weekend? P

They play golf on the weekend. P

What do you and your friends like to do on the weekend? P

We like to go dancing. P

What does she like to do? P

She likes listening to music. P

4-7-7 I'll Show You My House

I'll give you a tour of my house when you come over. P

Sure. Let's start in the kitchen. P

Okay. We'll start in the kitchen and move into the dining room. P

Are your dining and living rooms connected? P

No, but you can see the living room down the hall. P

What do you have upstairs, on the second floor? P

Just three bedrooms and a bathroom. P

I see, sounds like a really nice house! P

Why is the man scared? P

He is scared of flying. P

What is the lady doing? P

She is shopping at the mall. P

Where is the girl? P

She is at the beach. P

4-7-8 My Family

Is that me in the picture? P

Yes, that's you and your uncle. P

How is my aunt doing? P

She is fine. Soon, she will be able to walk. P

Are they brother and sister? P

No, the girl is his cousin. P

Where did you spend all of your money to? P

I've bought this tiny pair of shoes for my nephew. P

What are the guys doing? P

They are going to surf. P

What are the girls doing? P

They are ice skating. P

What is the guy doing? P

He is driving his car. P

4-7-9 Have I Become an Uncle?

How many uncles and aunts do I have, mom? P

I have two sisters, and your dad has just one brother. P

So, that means I have two aunts and one uncle! P

That's right. You also have nephews since your big sister gave birth to twin brothers. P

Then, have I become an uncle, too? P

Yes. You've become a young uncle to your baby nephews. P

What is the girl doing? P

She is cooking. P

What is the girl doing outside? P

She is flying a kite. P

Who is the girl calling? P

She is calling her father. P

4-7-11 Elephant

An elephant is a huge animal with gray skin and a long trunk. P

An elephant's trunk can be longer than a standing man. P

An elephant can use its trunk to grab high branches. P

An elephant can use its trunk to grab heavy objects. P

An elephant can use its trunk to eat. P

Elephants eat a lot of food each day. P

Elephants live in grasslands and feed on plants. P

Many elephants have two tusks. P

Tusks are elephant's long front teeth. P

Elephants are the largest animals that live on land. P

4-7-12 Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees are hairy with long arms and legs. P

They eat fruits, leaves, nuts and seeds. P

Chimpanzees can grab onto tree branches. P

They can swing through the trees. P

Chimpanzees spend a lot of time in trees. P

Chimpanzees live in groups. P

They help each other find food. P

Chimpanzees are similar to humans. P

They have thumbs to grab things like humans. P

They have round faces like humans. P

4-7-13 Zebras

Zebras are known for their black and white stripes. P

Zebras live in Africa. P

Zebras live together in herds. P

They eat tall grass. P

Lions hunt zebras. P

Zebras have to be very alert. P

When zebras see lions, they run and warn other zebras. P

Zebras are fast runners. P

Zebras are closely related to horses. P

4-7-14 Whales

Whales are marine mammals. P

All mammals breathe air. P

Whales breathe through a blowhole. P

Their blowholes are on top of their heads. P

Whales stick out their whole head from the water to breathe. P

Whales can take long, deep dives into the ocean. P

Whales are large and gentle creatures. P

There many different types of whales. P

Whales are the largest sea animals in the world. P

4-7-16 In Your Living Room

Your living room is so luxurious! P

This is the work of my grandmother. P

This TV looks very old. P

I know, but it still works! P

Why aren't you sitting on a sofa? P

I like it this way when I work. P

Wow, this is so comfortable. P

We should get a massage more often. P

What was the man doing? P

He was shaving. P

What is the weather like? P

It is raining. P

What game are the two men playing? P

They are bowling. P

4-7-17 So Comfortable!

Mom? Where are you? P

I'm here! In the living room! P

What were you doing? P

I was just watching TV, but there isn't anything interesting to watch. P

Wow, this sofa is so comfortable! P

Yeah, it is. I'm glad that we bought this on sale. P

What are the friends doing on the computer? P

They are chatting online. P

What are the girls doing? P

They are practicing ballet. P

Who is the man calling? P

The man is calling the boy. P

4-7-18 Small Talk

What country are you from? P

I'm from Belgium. P

Are you going away? P

Yes, we're going to travel for a month. P

Do you like your new job? P

I'm not sure yet, it's all so new to me. P

I wonder why this street is so empty. P

Yeah, there's usually a lot of traffic. P

What program is the man watching? P

He is watching a talk show. P

Why is the boy upset? P

He did bad on his test. P

What is the doctor doing? P

He is giving an injection. P

4-7-19 How Do You Like It Here?

How do you like it here? P

The States? I like it a lot. I love traveling. P

I'm glad to hear that. P

Yes, there's so much to see. P

What do you like the most? P

I like just walking around the streets. P

It sounds like you've seen everything, then. P

Not at all. Is there anywhere you can suggest for me to go? P

What is the man doing? P

He is donating blood. P

What is she doing before she sleeps? P

She is finishing her homework. P

Why couldn't she go to work today? P

She was feeling sick. P

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