4-2-1 I Wish... I

Susan was watching television. Just then, her father called, "Susan!" P

"Susan! Could you bring me my newspaper?" P

But Susan wanted to keep watching TV. P

"Oh, it's bothersome. I wish that there was one more of me!" P

Susan closed her eyes and imagined it. P

And immediately there appeared another Susan. P

Susan said to the new Susan. P

"You take the newspaper to father. I'll keep watching TV." P

"Okay. I will." said the new Susan. P

4-2-2 I Wish... II

Then mother called Susan. P

"Susan, could you go on an errand for me?" P

Susan muttered. P

"Oh, it's bothersome. I wish there was one more of me." P

Immediately, another Susan appeared. P

Susan said to the newest Susan. P

"You go on the errand, and I'll keep watching TV." P

"Okay. I will." said the newest Susan. P

And she went to go do her mother's errand. P

4-2-3 I Wish... III

While Susan was watching TV, her grandmother called her. P

"Susan! Come here and massage my shoulders." P

"Darn! How annoying!" said Susan. "I wish there was another one of me." P

And another Susan popped out of her imagination. P

Susan then said to the other Susan. P

"You go and massage grandmother's shoulders while I watch TV." P

"Sure. I'll do that." she said. P

Right away, the other Susan went to massage her grandmother's shoulders. P

Each time the adults called Susan, another Susan would appear. P

So Susan could watch TV to her heart's content. P

Even when it was time to wash her hands or brush her teeth. P

Susan would just imagine a new Susan. P

4-2-4 Birds' Nests

Birds build nests. P

Nests are home for birds. P

Birds build nests with loose twigs. P

They build nest on trees. P

Others build nests on buildings. P

Birds lay eggs in nests. P

Birds sit on their eggs to keep them warm. P

Eggs hatch and baby birds are born. P

4-2-6 Names

Please spell "learn" for me. P

I think it's L-E-A-R-N. P

Who came first? P

Henry did. He was the fastest. P

Where are the chocolates? P

I ate the last one. P

This wastebasket is full. P

Yeah, why don't we empty the wastebasket? P

What are the boys doing? P

They are playing soccer. P

What is the girl doing? P

She is playing tennis. P

What is the boy doing? P

He is playing the violin. P

4-2-7 Spell Your Name

Can you tell me your name again? P

My first name is Robert. P

Robert. Is that R-O-B-E-R-T? P

Yes, that's right. P

How do you spell your last name? P


Ok, so your full name is Robert Choi? P

Yes, Ma'am. P

What is the mother doing? P

She is writing a letter. P

What are the students doing? P

They are eating lunch. P

What are they doing? P

They are arguing. P

4-2-8 What I Like

Your drink looks really good. P

Yeah? Do you want one too? P

Horses are so beautiful. P

I love horses, too! P

Did you read that novel yet? P

Yeah, it was really good! P

How do you take your coffee? P

Double-double: Two creams, two sugars, please. P

What is the girl dreaming about? P

She is dreaming about studying. P

What is she dreaming about? P

She is dreaming about teaching. P

What is the man dreaming about? P

He is dreaming about delivering pizza. P

4-2-9 Like or Not

Who are you? P

I'm Christina. I work here. P

How long have you worked here? P

About 2 years. P

Do you like coffee? P

No, I don't like coffee. P

What do you like to drink? P

I like juice or tea. P

What is the woman dreaming about? P

She is dreaming about writing a letter. P

What is the small boy dreaming about? P

He is dreaming about riding a bicycle. P

What is the boy doing? P

He is sleeping in class. P

4-2-11 Eagles

Eagles are birds of prey. P

Birds of prey are birds who hunt for food. P

Preys are smaller animals being hunted. P

Eagles have talons. P

Eagles use their talons to hunt. P

A talon is a sharp claw. P

An eagle's talons are yellow in color. P

Eagles have powerful vision. P

Eagles use their vision to find prey from the sky. P

Eagles are strong and wonderful birds. P

4-2-12 Penguins

Penguins are birds that cannot fly. P

Penguins swim very well. P

Their wings are like flippers. P

Flippers help penguins swim. P

They spend most of their lives in the sea. P

They swim fast underwater. P

Penguins find food in the sea. P

They feed on fish and other sea animals. P

All penguins have a big head and a short neck. P

Penguins live in Antarctica. P

4-2-13 Human Skeleton

Humans have a skeleton. P

Under the skin is a strong, hard skeleton. P

A skeleton is made from bones. P

A skeleton has 206 bones. P

These bones support the body. P

Bones are very hard. P

They do not break easily. P

All bones together are called a skeleton. P

Every human has a skeleton made up of many bones. P

4-2-14 Five Senses

I have five senses. P

I can see with my eyes. P

I can hear with my ears. P

I can smell with my nose. P

I can taste with my tongue. P

I can touch with my fingers. P

These are my five senses. P

My senses are working every minute of the day. P

4-2-16 Food Talk

What would you like to order? P

Can I have a sandwich with some french fries? P

Your cart is full. What did you buy? P

You know, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. P

What brings you here today? P

I want to have counseling with you. P

Did the lady catch the flight? P

No, she wasn't on time. P

Why is the woman crying? P

The movie is very sad. P

Why were the girls frightened? P

The movie was very scary. P

4-2-17 I'm So Full

Would you like a sandwich? P

Thanks, but no thanks. I'm so full. P

You are full already? There are more salad, fruits, and burgers! P

What? Why did you make so much food? P

I thought there were more people coming. P

If we can't eat it all, I will bring some home. P

What is the boy drinking? P

He is drinking milk. P

What happened to the boy? P

He broke his leg. P

What is the boy doing? P

The boy is hiking. P

4-2-18 Saying Goodbye I

I want to play a game. P

There isn't enough time, let's go. P

I hope the weather gets better. P

I'm sure it will get better. P

We'll call you next week. P

Ok, goodbye! P

It gets pretty cold at night. P

Yeah, I brought a jacket with me. P

What happened to the man? P

He cut himself while shaving. P

What happened to their hands? P

They burned them while cooking. P

Where are your parents going? P

They are going on a trip to Rome. P

4-2-19 Saying Goodbye II

I guess it's time to go. P

I hope we can meet again, soon. P

Yeah, I had a good time. P

Emily, it was nice seeing you again. P

Yes, and it was nice meeting you, Anna. P

Same here. Have a good night! P

You too. Goodbye! P

See you! Take care! P

Where did your parents eat dinner? P

They ate at a fancy restaurant. P

What did your parents do? P

They took many pictures. P

What did your parents buy? P

They bought souvenirs. P

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