Day 1

The boy is touching an ant. P

Their house is to the east of the park. P

The man is putting on a belt. P

The girl powered her way and won the race. P

We have two sons and a daughter. P

They live in the deep jungle. P

The forest fire fanned out in all directions. P

Puff out your chest and be brave. P

This dress shoe came out three years ago. P

This glove has a tight knit. P

Day 2

After nine years, you know what I’ve realized? P

I’m here to fix your photocopier problem. P

My dad is always complaining about his car. P

I am glad to see you. P

I dream of him from time to time. P

Rub this ointment in well on the cut everyday. P

Is this a sheep or a goat? P

He walked out of the room and slammed the door. P

Six were present, including the teacher. P

The floor was covered with broken glass. P

Day 3

On stage I feel very intense power. P

The drink is refreshing and cool. P

Miss, I am looking for eggs and milk. P

The woman is chopping up the meat. P

I need a pencil with a softer lead. P

A baby girl is sleeping. P

It was a small and cute chick. P

It's hard work but it's also a lot of fun. P

Your new dress fits well. P

We get back as much as we invest. P

Day 4

Soak the potatoes in cold water for one hour. P

Put the cup on the bedside table. P

She is finding a village on a map. P

Do you mind if I borrow your knife? P

I don't know how to dance. P

How many times a day should I feed the dog? P

The baker bakes fresh bread every morning. P

He fixed the roof of my house. P

I have a stiff neck. P

There are many fishes in this lake. P

Day 5

Place the tofu in a shallow dish. P

The tiger is more dangerous than the fox. P

Draw up plans for an extension to the house. P

He is the rightful king of this country. P

The church is my main object of interest. P

Many fine views hung on the walls. P

He looks ill today. P

I'm afraid Jane won't come in time for the movie. P

He yawned without covering his mouth. P

She fanned away a mosquito from the sleeping child. P

Day 6

A plane is flying low over the sea. P

I'm sure a bat bit me. P

His chin rested on his hands. P

There are four pencils on the desk. P

You played me for a fool. P

She wore a ring of diamonds and sapphires. P

This hen lays an egg every day. P

Koreans use a spoon for the rice and soup. P

The bottle is filled with water. P

I would rather go skiing tomorrow than today. P

Day 7

Can he cook? P

The country was wiped off the map. P

The ball is in the swimming pool. P

Our luggage is brown and plain. P

I hate the way that tastes. P

The thirteenth day of a month is believed to be an unlucky day. P

The people are on top of a mountain. P

We were in the same class at school. P

The boy is putting on socks. P

Apples fall off the tree. P

Day 8

Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? P

She was full of her own anxieties. P

It is slightly pink in the center. P

The Canadian flag has a maple leaf on it. P

I'm planning to do jump rope every morning. P

It is never too late to learn. P

The cat crept silently toward the birds. P

A man is wishing on a star. P

We heard the news from a friend. P

There are no clouds in the sky. P

Day 9

Yes, I enjoy this time of the year the best. What about you? P

These turtles are made of pure gold. P

It's raining hard. P

His left hand pulled the clutch lever in. P

I'd buy a big boat and sail around the world. P

How does this dress look on me? P

The salesperson is moving the box. P

I have a lesson in art history tomorrow. P

There is a picture drawn in chalk on the blackboard. P

A bear came close to me slowly. P

Day 10

Her mom is sewing the teddy bear. P

The ending of the novel was quite sad. P

A pig runs after the duck. P

He caught his foot on a tree root and fell. P

Our business has leased its offices for seven years. P

This road will lead you to the station. P

She has long wavy blond hair and blue eyes. P

A great concert will be held in the auditorium. P

What time does it get dark in the summer? P

Here I sit, trying not to cry. P

Day 11

The rich are not necessarily happy. P

Fresh fruit is good for you. P

You have a lucky dimple in your cheek. P

A black hen lays white eggs. P

Mend a broken cup with glue. P

She was as busy as a bee. P

How far is it to your school? P

The flag is at the top of the building. P

This key won't go in. P

The bath is not warm enough. P

Day 12

I have to dry down the laundry. P

The woman is napping in front of the fan. P

See you at noon. P

She has an ear infection. P

I visit the U.S. two times a year. P

These grapes taste sweet and sour. P

I can run fast. P

That tree yields plenty of fruit. P

I can't sing that high. P

I'll sit in the front seat. P

Day 13

Vets give medical care to injured or sick animals. P

She kicked him on the knee. P

I threw the bread crumbs to the birds. P

It was his first outing since the accident. P

The beef was underdone and quite uneatable. P

I love walking in the hills. P

He left his bag in the subway. P

The students are dissecting a frog. P

She spilled a drop of water. P

His farm is remote from this town. P

Day 14

Summer is very hot and humid mixed with rain. P

He has a huge lower lip. P

The doctor donated his spare time to free clinics. P

I remember feeling that way when I was a kid. P

The high temperatures are abnormal for this time of year. P

He is not so poor that he cannot buy it. P

It always begins to snow at this time of year. P

He can break a mirror. P

We eat to live. P

The sun was just peeking over the horizon. P

Day 15

The airport is close to town. P

Don't be afraid, that snake is harmless. P

A new school year began today. P

Salt is used to preserve food. P

The cruise ship is stopping at New York. P

Don't let Alex sit up front. P

The doll is lovely and pretty. P

Can you be punctual on your delivery date? P

I brought my friend, I hope you don't mind. P

The bird unfolded its wings. P

Day 16

She was the seventh child out of eight. P

Check your work before handing it in. P

Repeat these four steps three times. P

The children sit together on a big rock. P

His arm rested on the table. P

The dry grass caught fire. P

The store displays merchandise in glass cases. P

I hope he will not die. P

She became healthier than she was last year. P

I am afraid I must say bye. P

Day 17

It depends on what it is. P

Can we kick the ball around for a while? P

He read for an hour and went to bed. P

She hid her face in shame. P

The ducks are looking for water. P

It’ll be a few more days until I can drive again. P

The paintings are very old and priceless. P

I really have a fancy for a small pet. P

The government distributes free food to the poor. P

They also clean the places where the deer and elk live. P

Day 18

The father laid his baby on the bed. P

I can't tell you how grateful I am. P

Diamonds are the hardest known mineral. P

Tiny horns appeared on the head of the cow. P

No, I couldn't. I was too busy. P

I understand you’re leaving us at the end of the month. P

We spent the day at the beach. P

There stands a big pine tree a little way off the road. P

He got drunk on cheap wine. P

Is three weeks enough time for you to finish? P

Day 19

Your pet will be happier at home. P

Every time I wash my car, it rains the next day. P

Fill this application form out, and bring it to me. P

His cheeks were red from the cold. P

A man is feeding the horse. P

Be careful not to use bad language to people. P

The performance is booked up. P

I will be back in a moment. P

We went for a walk in the park. P

My salary is paid directly into my bank. P

Day 20

We were very happy together. P

This drink contains no artificial flavourings. P

My friend was hit by a car. He's bleeding from the head. P

They caught several fish. P

You mean that tall gray building over there? P

The Mississippi is a long river. P

What are you doing tonight? P

We had apple pie with ice cream for dessert. P

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. P

I felt as if I were floating in the air. P

Day 21

There is a big cloud in the sky. P

He is so fat that he can hardly walk. P

I want to learn how to swim well. P

I stayed home, helping my father paint the fence behind our house. P

He cherishes time at home with his wife. P

The guy with a baseball cap is my boyfriend. P

Bring him a pencil sharpener. P

I think my wall clock is a little fast. P

Corn is available at the market. P

The chameleon changed to green while sitting on green leaves. P

Day 22

Let me put you through to the other line. P

Your nose is running. P

Mary was clutching her doll to her chest. P

Join index fingers together with one eye closed. P

The Midwest is one huge plain. P

It hurts when I move my leg. P

The mouse is between the shoes. P

I play on the basketball team. P

They sell all kinds of things. P

My aunt is a very nice lady. P

Day 23

She wears the blue shoes. P

I can't see the surface of the moon. P

The gate opens into the garden. P

The Sunflower is the name of the restaurant. P

This curry and rice is very tasty. P

I left a voice mail for Mike. P

I think I'll have to wear this hat for winter. P

The answer to this question is on the next page. P

The people are swimming in the sea. P

This flower is native to our state. P

Day 24

Sorry, my English is not very good. P

The man hurled himself against the door. P

A first grader fell down on the playground and skinned his knee. P

The lion woke up and was angry. P

A black dress is always a safe bet. P

After 18 years of age, wisdom teeth begin to emerge. P

Did you happen to look under the bed or under the chair? P

We ate a fast lunch. P

You are so brave. I'm proud of you! P

I'll do it in ten minutes. I'm busy now. P