1-1 I am a boy.
I am a boy. P
I am a girl. P
I'm a child. P
You are a baby. P
You are a man. P
You're a woman. P
1-2 It is an apple.
It is an apple. P
It's a chair. P
He is a cook. P
She is a dentist. P
He's a hunter. P
She's a queen. P
1-3 This is a book.
This is a book. P
This is a clock. P
This is an elephant. P
That is a boat. P
That is an egg. P
That's a train. P
1-4 I am a king.
I am a king. P
You're a student. P
He is a patient. P
She's a nun. P
It's a carrot. P
That is a piano. P
1-6 We are students.
We are students. P
We're nurses. P
You are actors. P
You're farmers. P
They are animals. P
They are doctors. P
1-7 We are archers.
We are archers. P
We're robots. P
They are kids. P
They're rabbits. P
They are singers. P
They're horses. P
1-8 These are ants.
These are ants. P
These are flowers. P
These are pens. P
Those are bugs. P
Those are gloves. P
Those are shoes. P
1-9 This is his lizard.
This is his lizard. P
That is your bed. P
This is our room. P
It is my desk. P
It's her doll. P
She is their daughter. P
1-11 I am a passenger.
I am a passenger. P
It is a crab. P
That is a radio. P
He's a pilot. P
We're teachers. P
p P
1-12 You are a chef.
You are a chef. P
It is a cow. P
That is a compass. P
Those are ducks. P
These are flags. P
We're policemen. P
1-13 I am not a barber.
I am not a barber. P
She's not an elf. P
It's not a frog. P
This is not a game. P
That's not a hat. P
That is not a hen. P
1-14 We are not soldiers.
We are not soldiers. P
They're not monkeys. P
They are not onions. P
They're not kangaroos. P
These are not owls. P
Those are not pigs. P
1-16 I am tall.
I am tall. P
She is pretty. P
It is big. P
It's sunny. P
This is wet. P
You're weak. P
1-17 We are mad.
We are mad. P
They are glad. P
They are clean. P
Those are dry. P
You're bad. P
These are fine. P
1-18 I am not sad.
I am not sad. P
He's not happy. P
It is not hot. P
That is not wide. P
It's not black. P
This is not cheap. P
1-19 We’re not small.
We're not small. P
They're not slow. P
You're not sick. P
They are not blind. P
Those are not quick. P
These are not sweet. P