Suda-Hangul Teacher¡¯s
Log-In or Join
Enter your ID and Password and Click <Login>
If you don¡¯t have, click <Join New> to join a member of Korean-Talk.
Click <Help> to see the Suda-Hangul Program Guide.
Join a Member of
Enter Academy Name
in English and fill in the all blank boxes.
Please make sure
to enter your Email address correctly.
We will send a confirm letter to your email address.
Select Menu
There are 4 kinds of menu to select.
1. Student¡¯s Menu
1) Add New Student
2) Edit Student
3) Active or Inactive Student
4) Change Student Class
2. Teacher¡¯s Menu
1) Add New Teacher
2) Edit Teacher Password
3) Change Teacher
3. Program¡¯s Menu
1) Make Academy Contents
2) Assign Program to Student
3) Program Help
4. Checkpoint
Add New Student
Enter student name, ID and Password.
Click to check double id.
Select a teacher¡¯s class. You may add a new class or delete a class.
Click <Add Student> to add new student.
The assigned class can be changed in Change Class Menu.
Edit Student
Select a student to edit student¡¯s password.
Add new password and click <Edit Student>.
Active or Inactive
You can manage only the students who are in your current student.
1. Mark the students who are not in your list.
2. Click <Inactive Student>
3. Mark the students who are in Inactive Student List.
4. Click <Delete Student>.
You can select the students as inactive students. Their list are now shown in your list, but you can do Re-Active Student.
Change Class
Students are
managed by teacher¡¯s Class.
To change
teacher¡¯s class
a teacher¡¯s class to view the student in the class.
the students to change.
a teacher¡¯s new class to view the student in the new class.
<Change Class> for the marked student to new class.
Add New Teacher
Enter Teacher name, Teacher¡¯s ID and password.
Click <Check Double ID> and Click <Add Teacher>.
Edit Teacher (Change
Teacher¡¯s ID and Password)
1. Change Registered Teacher¡¯s Name
2. Change Teacher¡¯s ID
3. Change Teacher¡¯s Password
Enter the information and click the button.
Change Teacher
are managed by teacher.
To change
a current teacher to view the teacher¡¯s student list.
the students to change.
a new teacher and a new teacher¡¯s class.
<Save> for the marked student to a new teacher.
Assign Program
Select a teacher¡¯s class to view the student list.
Mark students to assign the program.
Select an option.
Click <Assign Program>
Student¡¯s study information sorted by
1. Class >> Select Class
2. Student name >> Select from student list or Click the student name on screen.
3. Study Date >> Click <Calendar> or Click ¢¸ ¢º.
4. Study Program >> Click the program name on screen.
Recording Checkpoint
You can see the contents of the recording and hear the student¡¯s recording files.
If you are not satisfied student¡¯s recording, click <No Good> to let student to record again.
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